運の調律師 風水命理コンサルタント
曉希映 朱香(A・Akatsukiha)

曉希映 朱香幼いころから周囲との違いに疑問を感じながら学生時代を過ごし、真宗大谷派の保育園や氏神さまの神社で巫女として使えた頃より、形而上学に興味を持つ。日本、米国でキリスト教会について学び、中国上海の華東師範大学英文科を卒業。人の「運」がプログラミングされていることを実感し、密教、数霊、タロット、易、西東洋の占星術を習得。様々な角度から「運」というものを研究。国際風水協会(IFSA)副会長世界五大風水師の一人レイモンドローに師事し、現在アジア、ヨーロッパを中心に活動。

Since childhood, she felt her view and thinking is different from others. Through her experiences in a Buddhist kindergarten and serving as a Miko in shrines near her hometown, she became interested in the metaphysical world. Through her college in Japan and the USA, she learned christianity and graduated from The East China Normal University English Department.  She realised that destiny and luck are programmed since we were born and this inspired her to research into esoteric Buddhism, Kazudama, Tarot, I Ching, and astrology. She is now a follower of IFSA’s Grandmaster Raymond Lo.  Together, they have toured across Asia and Europe.

名誉顧問 レイモンドロー (Raymond Lo) 

五大風水命理師。香港大学社会科学学部卒業。20代より風水命理を学び、ABC(米国) 、BBC(英国)、東方日報(香港)など数多くのメディアでも取り上げられる。香港のTORY BURCH、シンガポールのマンダリンホテルやパンパシフィックホテル、サンテックシティの風水コンサルタントとしても活躍中。現在シンガポールを拠点とする国際風水協会の副会長を務め、世界20カ国3万人以上の生徒を指導している。

Raymond Lo is one of the five most sought-after professional Feng Shui and Destiny consultants in the world. He graduated from Hong Kong University with a degree in Social Science. He learned Fengshui and Destiny since he was 20 years old. He has appeared in international media outlets such as ABC, CNN(USA), BBC(UK), Oriental Daily, South China Morning Post(HK). He had been hired as a consultant for such places as TORY BRUCH in HK, Mandarin Hotel, Pan Pacific Hotel, Suntec City mall in Singapore. He is the vice president of the International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) and has taught 3 thousand students from 20 different countries.

